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31 May 2017

SafeWork NSW Launches Biggest Campaign in 10 Years

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We’re all busy. And when deadlines loom and stress grows, we have a tendency to forget about safety. That’s why it’s so important that we all take responsibility for safety. Let’s start the conversation and encourage every worker and every employer to work together to make the workplace safe.

That’s the message of “Safety Starts with You,” SafeWork NSW’s biggest campaign in 10 years. With so many people hearing this message through radio and TV ads, it’s a great time to think about what you can do to improve safety conditions in your workplace. 

Let’s take a look at the important messages included in the campaign that can help businesses to make their workplaces safe for everyone.


Safety For Workers

Although individual workers don’t always have control of the facilities and overall systems in their workplaces, safety should be an integral part of all you do. This is true whether you work on a construction site or at a preschool. 

Think about what a safer workplace might look like. Are chemicals stored, wet floors marked and safety equipment up to scratch? SafeWork NSW urges workers to revisit these often-overlooked safety basics, especially considering that there were 60 worker fatalities in NSW in 2015.

If you can identify immediate improvements that could be made to the safety conditions of your workplace, it’s your responsibility to speak up. After all, you know your working conditions as well as anyone. Safety NSW’s “Safe” mobile app can help you to identify these risks, and includes helpful tips to alleviate and avoid them.


Safety For Employers

Safety for your workers can seem like an overwhelming topic, which is why it’s a large focus of the Safety Starts With You campaign. Workplace safety covers so many different topics, and you don’t usually have time to evaluate minor details when you’re trying to run a business. 

If this sounds familiar, you might want to consider participating in the SafeWork NSWs’ Mentor Program. Since 2006, more than 400 businesses have participated in the mentor program, which seeks to help businesses improve their understanding of workplace safety. 

Additionally, you’ll appreciate the helpful information available for employers on the “Safe” app. It can help you to create a safety team, discuss common workplace safety issues with other employers, attach photos of safety concerns, and resolve any existing problems.

Employers have legal obligations regarding workplace safety, and complying with these obligations can be time-consuming and expensive.


The Safety Promise

All NSW workers, whether you’re an employer or an employee, are encouraged to make the SafeWork NSW Safety Promise. The Safety Promise involves taking action in five key areas; leadership, practices, environment, communication and capability. You can learn more about the Safety Promise and its benefits here.


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